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Is My Cat Happy?🤔

Is My Cat Happy?🤔

     😸People want happy cats, and as worried "cat parents," they frequently wonder if their cat is content. There are several fairly general joyful cat cues, even though each cat is unique and, like people, may express contentment in different ways. Numerous indicators let you know whether your cat is happy. Vocal Clues      🔊In fact, cats can "say" they're glad. Talkative cats engage in lengthy and detailed talks with you. Higher-pitched noises are typically associated with happiness, but lower-pitched sounds may be more demanding and show signs of impatience. Cats that are quiet may use quietness to convey happiness and vocalize more to convey sadness. Yes, it is confusing! But that's precisely why people adore their mysterious cats! Purrs are generally a sign of feline happiness or even bliss, though they aren't always pleased. The "prrrrupttt!" sound that many cats make when they chuckle or trill is a highly reliable indicator of their contentment. Body Language      🤟Numerous eye, ear, fur, and body positions can be used to read if a cat is agitated or content. A happy, satisfied cat, for instance, would lie with its front paws tucked under, ears forward, and possibly its eyelids "sleepy" at half mast. The way she blinks her eyes in response to your glance across the room is a sign of happiness. Eye dilation that occurs suddenly might be interpreted as either arousal-distress or arousal-happiness, for example, in reaction to a full food bowl. Happier cats have smooth fur, relaxed tails, and slightly forward-pointing whiskers. The tail of a happy, engaged cat is held straight up, with only the tip cocked in a "howdy" salutation to humans and other animals the cat regards as pals. Engaged and Confident      🤗A content cat expresses curiosity about its surroundings. Perhaps it is the "supervisor cat" that likes to have his paws into everything new in the house. Or it might just stand back and observe quietly. A happy cat responds cautiously rather than fearfully, even though many cats have an innate mistrust of strangers. Cats with confidence have the highest happiness factor. Play      🐱Kittens that are healthy and socialized play endlessly, as they just don't know any different than to be joyful. Playing is a great way to show that you're happy. Play activity in cats naturally decreases as they become older, but it frequently persists to some extent. Play can take many forms, from merrimentous racing and cat wrestling matches to calm paw-patting of features (or your leg or face for attention) to show that your cat is happy. Cats play with animals (and people) that they enjoy and feel comfortable around. Sleep      😴Although cats tend to sleep more when they're sick or melancholy, their preferred sleeping spots can also be signs of contentment. Cozy relationships with selected nap partners are indicated by sleeping with other cats, and particularly by actively seeking them out. Celebrate if your cat decides to share your bed with you! That implies that your cat has faith in you—doubt, after all, leads to discontent. Grooming      😼Feeling cats maintain a neat appearance. An untidy cat is a signal of disease, injury, or dissatisfaction; however, a well-groomed cat is a sign that it is in good health. Along with shared napping, grooming other cats or licking the owner demonstrates strong relationships and trust. Cats that get along well may even groom one another. But since cats are unique, not all of them have the need to groom other cats. Eating      🐟Cats that are happy eat well. Yes, they might use deception to trick owners into giving them extra food or treats. However, in many respects, this kind of manipulation merely serves as an indicator of how dedicated many cats are to making their owners happy.
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😼🧐Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?🌿

😼🧐Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?🌿

   🤔 Cats are naturally curious about plants, as anyone with a green thumb and a cat knows. They'll even chew or consume some plants, like cat grass. Why do cats adore cat grass so much, and what is it exactly?🍃   What Is Cat Grass?     🍃It's possible that some people confuse cat grass with catnip and catmint. However, cat grass is not the same as it sounds. Plants in the mint family include catmint and catnip. Although catmint and catnip are commonly referred to as one and the same, they are actually two different species in the same genus, Nepeta. Cats react less strongly to catmint than to catnip, despite the fact that they may look alike.🍃     🍃Cat grass is a very different matter. If you cultivate cat grass and catnip, you can see this in the way the plants look differently. In actuality, cat grass is the grass of some cereal grains, including rye, wheat, oats, barley, and alfalfa.🍃   Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?     🍃Though considerable research has been done, the reason cats like to chew on any grass, especially cat grass, is still unknown. It used to be thought that cats would eat grass to help soothe their stomachs when they were sick. But this has been called into question by a study1. When a study of cat owners was conducted, 65% of the cats' weekly eating habits were reported by the respondents. Just 6% of these had an owner who reported them sick prior to them eating the plant, and 37% had frequent vomiting thereafter.Given that 94% of the cats in the poll appeared to be well before consuming any food, this suggests that cats don't genuinely consume plants, including cat grass, to feel better. There is also a theory that cats eat cat grass to aid in the removal of hairballs. Would giving grass to a vomiting cat make it easier for a long-haired cat to cough up a hairball? This idea was examined in the same study that examined if cats might use grass as a stomach settler. However, they discovered that there was no variation in the frequency of vomiting between cats with long hair and those with short hair. 🍃     🍃The theory that eating grass could help regulate and eliminate intestinal parasites is being considered. A study conducted in Belgium examined a variety of wild carnivores, such as different Canidae species, as well as a variety of wildcats, such as lynx, cougars, pumas, and leopards. According to this study, eating grass is a normal behavior for all cats and is not limited to domestic cats alone. Even wild cats have been observed to consume grass.🍃   Where Can You Purchase Cat Grass?     🍃It's actually not too hard to find cat grass. It's available in small trays at pet supply stores, but nurseries are also good places to find it. Keep in mind that cat grass can be sold as "wheat grass," etc., because it can be wheat, barley, alfalfa, or rye. If you want to grow your own cat grass, you can also buy seed packs. Once more, these might be sold as rye, wheat, barley, or alfalfa grass instead of cat grass seeds.🍃   Where Can You Plant Cat Grass?     🍃You can grow cat grass outside in your garden or indoors in a container. If cultivating outside, you have two options: transfer an established cluster of cat grass from a container to the ground or sow the seeds straight into the ground. It is possible to sow the seeds at any time of year if you are growing indoors. The soil should be kept moist and they should be planted 1/4" deep. The seedlings should appear within a week or two. Keep them somewhere they will receive enough of consistent sunlight at this phase. When planting cat grass outside, it should receive full sun and be done in the spring.🍃   Why Is It Better For Cats to Eat Cat Grass Than Regular Grass?    🍃For a few reasons, your cat should chew on cat grass rather than lawn grass. Inadvertent ingestion of pesticides by your cats poses a health concern if you use any for treating your grass. Your cat may also run the risk of consuming parasites and/or coming into contact with fleas and ticks when they nibble on lawn grass. Naturally, this can also be the case if your cat eats anything in your yard, even cat grass. Take clippings from outside plants and give them to your cat after giving them a thorough wash, or bring a tiny bit of cat grass indoors for your cat to nibble on.🍃     🍃Cat grass is healthy for cats to consume, yet the reason why they enjoy it is still unknown. It might be an additional enrichment item in their house.🍃  
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😸The Pets Who Have Run for Political Office in the US🐶

😸The Pets Who Have Run for Political Office in the US🐶

                                                      💫cat cute😽     ✨Getting more pets into politics is one issue that has the ability to unite our divided nation on almost everything else.      🎈On April 24, Hell, Michigan, a municipality outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which charges $100 for a "Mayor of the Day" package, made history by electing Jinx, the big-eyed black cat with over 435,000 Instagram followers, as its first pet mayor. We hope that this is not the last time the small town has a non-human ruler for the sake of cutesy internet material. This is the first time the town has had one. Though Jinx hasn't released their executive order list yet, we expect it to be heavy on sardine access, feline maternal health, and the much-needed laser pointer restriction. 📸 @bigfootjinx, Jinx / Instagram    🎉 Let's examine a few more animal leaders who have ruled our country with a kind iron hand.   Max I & Max II: Mayors of Idyllwild 📸mayormax1 / Instagram     🥳Idyllwild, California is a non-incorporated town that had no politicians until 2012, when a local animal rescue sponsored the town's first election. Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller, a golden retriever, emerged victorious in a landslide, raising $31,000 for Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF) and launching him into local celebrity. After Max I died on April 2, 2013, his successor, Max II, accepted Max's invitation to serve a second term in office because of his high approval rating.      🐕With the support of Mikey and Mitzi, his dependable deputy mayors, Max II continues to hold office today. He welcomes hikers on the Pacific Coast Trail, promotes dog adoption, and boosts tourism in the area. Mayor Max has merchandise even. Duke: Mayor of Cormorant Village    📸WeRateDogs / Instagram      🎪Superior Pyranees Duke garnered all but one vote in his 2016 reelection campaign for a third term, having been elected as Cormorant Village, Michigan's ceremonial mayor in 2014. During his tenure as mayor, this cuddly polar bear represented the small town by frequenting the local bar and ensuring that no mischief was committed while he was in charge. In order to concentrate on his health, Duke retired from office in 2018. He died at the age of 13 in the early months of 2019. He will always be associated with his small hat and involvement in local politics.🎡 Stubbs: Mayor of Talkeetna 📸Stubbs Mayor Cat / Instagram      😺The mayor of Talkeetna, a small town in Alaska, had a 19-year reign of power that most politicians would envy. Stubbs, a strawberry blond cat, gained the office in a write-in campaign after the town's 900 residents decided none of the human candidates were qualified to compete in the 1997 mayoral election. He maintained the role until his death in 2016 at the age of twenty. During his term in government, Stubbs sought to keep taxes low and spent the most of his time demanding attention from his position at the general store. His brother, Denali, continues to carry on his legacy. Lincoln: Mayor of Fair Haven 📸Lincoln, the Goat / Instagram      🐐There are more animals besides dogs and cats that run for office. Lincoln, a three-year-old Nubian goat, defeated sixteen other contenders to become the mayor of Fair Haven, Vermont, for a one-year term in 2019. Lincoln participated in the Memorial Day parade, attended community activities, and greeted guests to the town while serving as president. 2020 saw the election of Murfee, a King Cavalier Charles Spaniel, to succeed Lincoln. He held the position for two years before being beaten this past march by Elsa, another goat. Lincoln is a goat—the greatest of all time, if you will.🎐 Lucy Lou: Mayor of Rabbit Hash   🐰When border collie Lucy Lou was elected Rabbit Hash, Kentucky's first female mayor in 2008, she joined the pantheon of feminist icons. It should come as no surprise that she defeated the other contenders with a motto like "The Bitch You Can Count On." In Rabbit Hash, Lucy welcomed guests, advertised neighborhood events, and worked as a spokeswoman for a women's crisis center during her eight-year term. In order to gather money for the restoration of the town's old general store, Lucy resigned in 2016. She died in 2018 at the age of 12. Lady Stone, the heir and fellow collie, continues the battle for women's rights.💓 Parker: Mayor of Georgetown 📸Mayor Parker the Snow Dog / Instagram     🐾 Bernese Mountain Dog, age five Parker has been serving as Georgetown, Colorado's honorary mayor since 2020, and he is enjoying his role. Parker is "committed to bringing hugs, love, and cookies to the people of Georgetown," according to his website—a campaign pledge we can support. The official mascot of Loveland Ski Area is Parker the Snow Dog, who hangs out with the local sports teams, interacts with the challenged community, and provides hugs all over the town. Certainly, there are benefits to serving as a local ambassador!   Sweet Tart: Mayor of Omena 📸@omenamayor Sweet Tart / Instagram      😻In 2018, city council elections were held in Omena, Michigan, a community of 300 people, with one requirement: the candidates had to be animals. Let's meet Sweet Tart, a Norwegian Forest Cat who dutifully held the position of first feline mayor of the town until 2021, when she was deposed by Rosie Disch, a local dog. In addition to her excellent resume, which includes multiple advanced degrees, Sweet Tart continues to serve as Second Vice Mayor. Though she doesn't often appear in public, Sweet Tart is renowned for her amazing sense of style and her vast collection of hats.💖
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🎉8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Cat's Birthday🎂

🎉8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Cat's Birthday🎂

   🎁When it comes to cat birthdays and adoption anniversaries, pet parents can get very excited. Not only do cats show unconditional love (sometimes), but according to scientific research, they also lead to better heart health for their owners. So it's time to show some appreciation. Throw your cat a party with floating balloons for entertainment or give him cat play toys. Sit back and watch your favorite furry family member go crazy catching and popping all the balloons. Keep a close eye on your cat to make sure he doesn't get spooked by the popping balloons.😽    01  Choose the Perfect Present     ✨ Finding a new birthday present for your cat should be simple, especially with the plethora of options available for purchase. A birthday is the ideal occasion to add some new cat toys to its already full toy basket, whether it like energetic toys or cuddly ones. Make a new cat tree as a luxurious birthday present if you're handy.    02  Treat Your Cat to Catnip      🎐Giving your pet catnip will help you celebrate happy hour together. You may give your cat catnip in a few different forms, like toys, bubbles, or fresh leaves. Use this free, easy pattern to construct a plush catnip toy for a special occasion like your cat's birthday. If you've never offered catnip before, check how your cat reacts when you sprinkle a small amount of dried leaves on a toy or climbing tower.   03  Have a Portrait Taken      🎇It's likely that you have a ton of random and selfie pictures of your cat. On your cat's big day, capture a more polished photo of your feline with and without you and your loved ones. Over time, you'll treasure owning a sharp, clear, professional shot of your cat. You may probably locate a local pet photographer who can produce this memento with a little bit of investigation.    04  Create a Cake for Your Cat       🔮A cat birthday cake. Your cat will be pricked up for a special birthday gift like these easy, no-bake fish cakes. It's possible that you would like to sample one as well. A willing cat and a few staple pantry goods are all you'll need.✨ In a big bowl, combine diced chicken, pureed sweet potato, and drained white albacore tuna. To absorb extra liquids, add a teaspoon of rice flour to your mixture if it seems a little too wet. Cut little round cakes out of the mixture using a small cookie cutter. If you want to cover the fish cakes with icing, pipe simple mashed potatoes (without any butter or cream).    🪄Recall that this treat is reserved for a unique occasion. You should avoid giving your cat human food on a regular basis and be cautious when giving something unusual to avoid potential stomach distress.    05  Pamper Your Cat     😻 Give your cat some extra attention on their birthday to quietly celebrate. On its birthday, take the time to play with your cat for an extended period of time. Give your cat a massage; this is particularly beneficial for older cats.1. Find out from your veterinarian about a holistic pet masseuse who will come to your home. Alternatively, get your cat a brand-new, incredibly cozy bed for a birthday. Nothing pleases a cat more than to curl up for a long, satisfying nap in a plush bed. Treat your pet to one of these hand-fed, lickable cat snacks to perhaps create a unique and unforgettable bonding experience.💖    06  Go on an Adventure     🛝 Does your house cat appear to have a strong desire to be outside? Take advantage of your cat's birthday to venture outside and try something new. Invest in a harness or leash that fits your cat correctly. Let your cat explore your house while wearing the harness first. As your cat adjusts to the harness, give it lots of praise and show patience with it. In a secure, contained space away from other animals, gradually acclimate your cat to the great outdoors. Go explore after that with your little tiger.    07  Celebrate for a Good Cause        💝Celebrate your cat's birthday for a worthy cause to make it special. Consider making a donation to a charity in your cat's honor instead of purchasing new toys and goodies for them. Find out what supplies the local shelters need, and invite your cat's favorite people to attend an event with a contribution of pet supplies like food, toys, or blankets, for example. Celebrate your cat's birthday by using it to spread the word about animal problems on social media. Make contact with a GoFundMe page for a homeless cat charity or an animal cancer research fund. The possibilities for worthy projects using cats are virtually endless.💫
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📝Shopping List for Your New Cat🫧

📝Shopping List for Your New Cat🫧

   🐱✨To ensure that your new cat or kitten feels more like a member of the family than a guest, there are a few items you should gather or purchase before bringing them home. Prepare for this a few days ahead of time to reduce anxiety on the "big day." You don't want to be so excited about bringing your cat home at 8 p.m. that you forget to buy cat food. The barest necessities your feline will require are as follows:🛒 Food     🎊 It's probably preferable to give your new pet whatever food she is used to, if you can speak with the caretaker at her previous home. Most of the time, if you get a cat from a breeder, their contract will either highly advise or mandate that you feed a specific kind of food. Here are some guidelines to help you decide what to feed your pet if it is a cat or kitten whose background is unknown: What to Buy for Kittens     🥘Look for meals with "Complete and Balanced Nutrition" and the AAFCO animal feeding tested statement "for all life stages" on the label because these newborns require more fats and proteins than adult cats do. Additionally, there are foods made especially for kitties. They are distinguished by the following characteristics: "highly digestible, nutrient-dense, and uniquely designed to meet kittens' nutritional requirements." Eight weeks and older kittens can manage dry food rather well, while canned food is actually healthier for them. Food and Water Bowls      🥣You can feed your new cat in any porcelain (not lead-glazed) or stainless steel bowl that you have in your kitchen, although it can make you feel better to give her her own dishes. It is not advised to give cats plastic plates because some cats get chin rashes from the material, and because softer plastic scratches might act as a home for bacteria (perhaps a case of cause and effect).Pet dishes made of stainless steel that don't tip are readily available. Make sure the glaze on any decorated ceramic dishes you choose is lead-free.      😸When individuals will be gone for extended periods of time during the day, such as for work or school, automatic food and water servers are very helpful. The majority of cats adore the crisp, clean taste of running water, and automatic water fountain guarantee a steady supply.  Interactive Cat Toys      🎁Playing with Kitty and her toys will start your bonding time together, as all cats love to play. One of the most popular types of toys for interactive play is the "fishing pole, dangling lure" sort. Just make sure the hanging portion is strong enough to prevent tiny kittens from ripping off feathers or other materials. A classic favorite are catnip mice. There is a wide range of cat houses and climbing posts available, from inexpensive cardboard designs to expensive custom-built "cat furniture" sets.   Grooming Tools    🐈 Having your cat or new kitten groomed is a great opportunity to strengthen your friendship. Look for a pin brush with a rubber backing and a fine-toothed comb. A cat-specific nail clipper is a bonus. It will be much easier to trim your kitten's nails as she becomes older if you begin doing it at an early age.   Cat Carrier      🙀This is a must. Do not try to transfer a cat without one. A simple cardboard carrier (available from your veterinarian) is adequate for transporting a new cat or kitten home, but you will ultimately need to replace it with a solid-bottomed fiberglass or durable plastic container with a secure lock and a screened aperture through which the cat may peek. If you plan to travel, a heavy-duty fabric carrier certified by airlines is a smart option. Scratching Post      😼You may not like it, but your cat will scratch. Investing in a scratching post will set the tone for your connection right away. It can be as ornate or as simple as you want, and if you know how to use tools, you can even put one together yourself. Certain commercially manufactured scratching posts are scented with catnip to draw in your cat. Start with a cardboard scratcher like the Cosmic Alpine Scratcher if money is tight.   Litter Box and Litter      😺For cats that live indoors or outdoors, selecting the ideal litter box is essential. For adult cats, which tend to toss the litter around a lot, go for a large box with high sides. These can also be as elaborate or as simple as your budget permits, but for now, start with a straightforward plastic litter box that is appropriately positioned for your cat.   😻A box that is low enough for kittens to easily enter is necessary. Of all the litter types, the plant-based variety appears to be the safest. All clay litters tend to stir up dust, which is unhealthy for both you and your cat to breathe, and clumping clay litter has a component that can be harmful to cats if consumed.    😽 A rug beneath the box could be used to collect stray litter. For that purpose, you can purchase mats from a pet store, or purchase a few cheap samples of carpet or linoleum that can be thrown away and changed when they become too worn.   A Bed (Optional, but Recommended)     🛏️🫧Since this is your first cat, it's likely that he or she will sleep on your bed, but it's still a good idea to provide kitty a comfortable, unique space of her own to call home. An adult cat should be able to snuggle up comfortably on the bed, which should be cozy, machine-washable, and not so big so as to make her feel exposed and defenseless.   Make a Vet Appointment   👩‍⚕️✨This is not exactly an item for a shopping list, but unless your cat comes with papers showing a recent veterinary visit, proof of vaccinations, and negative test results for various diseases and medical conditions, your first stop before even bringing her home, should be at your local veterinary clinic. So make the appointment now, while you're thinking about it.
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8 Things Your Cat Loves

8 Things Your Cat Loves

Cats can have a vast list of likes (and, possibly, an equally long list of dislikes!) because they are such intelligent, sentient creatures. Your cat will typically enjoy fresh, delicious food, extended sleeps in comfortable settings, and an abundance of enjoyable activities, just like you would.     Similar to people, cats' interests can shift with age, so while they may enjoy their feathered toy one day, they may find it dull the next. Recognizing when your cat's interests shift is your responsibility as a feline parent in order to maintain her happiness, well-being, and engagement. While feline preferences may differ throughout individual cats, starting with these eight cat "likes" is highly recommended. 01.Cats Love Taking Naps   Cats are known to love to nap. The average cat naps for a staggering 12 to 16 hours every day! Cats are nocturnal animals, therefore it's understandable that they spend the most of the day sleeping. Everyone enjoys taking a nice, lengthy snooze in a comfortable location.     Remember that older cats and kittens will sleep longer than an adolescent cat. However, discuss what's typical for your cat's breed, age, activity level, and size with your veterinarian if you're concerned that he's sleeping too much or too little. 02.Cats Love Grooming and Being Groomed   Did you know that mature cats groom themselves for about half of their waking lives? Grooming is obviously a big deal in a cat's life! Cats take such a long time grooming for a few reasons:  1.They remain tidy as a result. Grooming keeps cats hidden from predators and prey, in addition to helping them eliminate dirt and grime from their fur. How? Any odors their fur have absorbed are eliminated by licking them.  2.Their coat and skin stay healthy as a result. Frequent brushing helps to maintain a cat's coat moisturized, shiny, and healthy by spreading out the natural oils produced by her skin and fur.  3.They become more at ease as a result. I mean, what could be more soothing than a massage? Well, cats have the same emotions! Instead of going to a masseuse, they just take care of themselves to de-stress and get tranquil.  4.It strengthens their bonds with other cats. Cats groom humans as well as each other in order to deepen and improve their relationship. It's common to witness cats grooming one another in awkward spots.    5.It soothes them. People perspire. Dogs have panting. Cats groom themselves. Cats use saliva to dampen their fur to stay cool when it's extremely hot outside.     Although not every cat enjoys having his humans comb him, if yours does, consider using a rubber or natural bristle brush to brush his fur. It will feel incredibly soothing and eliminate any residue from his fur. 03.Cats Love Fresh, Nutritious Food   You wouldn't likely want to tuck into a large platter of rancid food for dinner. Your cat is in the same boat. Not only does ruined and stale food taste unpleasant, but it can also harbor various diseases, including Salmonella and Staphylococcus, and grow mold.   Make sure to verify the expiration dates on both wet and dry food whenever you give your cat. This will guarantee that the meals you provide her are safe, wholesome, and fresh. 04.Cats Love Running Water   If you own a cat, you are aware that they will attempt to sip water from running faucets whenever the chance arises. Luckily, there are plenty of drinking fountains available that are made specifically for cats, so they may always have access to cool, fresh, running water.   Unbelievably, certain cat breeds enjoy playing in the water. If your cat enjoys making splashes, consider adding a few inches of water to a kiddie pool or bathtub for her to play in. On especially hot days, this will help her cool off and get a little exercise.   05.Cats Love Scratching and Clawing   Cats have an innate desire to sharpen their claws by repeatedly scratching and grabbing various surfaces. They also happen to find great joy in it.   Cats may relax and renew themselves by scratching, in addition to honing their claws. Consider it the human version of taking a long, relaxing stretch when your muscles are sore or fatigued. A little scratching on a cat tree or scratching post will instantly rouse a sleepy cat. 06.Cats Love Daily Playtime   Cats take play very seriously, from kittenhood to old age. It doesn't take much to keep a cat entertained—she'll play with anything from lint to elaborate cat toys—but it's an important element of their health and growth. Playtime not only reminds them of their time in the wild, when they had to chase, hunt, and capture their prey, but it also keeps them active, engaged, and happy.   There are literally hundreds of thousands of cat toys available, but your cat may also like playing games like hide and seek. It's crucial to sneak in a few minutes of playtime every day, regardless of your cat's preferred activity. 07.Cats Love Watching Birds   It is not unusual to see cats curled up on windowsills. Why? It's an excellent bird watching site! Some cats can spend hours per day studying birds, whether they are prey or simply because the movement catches their attention.   If your cat enjoys curling up in windows, make sure to shield her skin from the sun's harmful rays, especially if she has light-colored fur. Limit her time next to the window when the sun is at its strongest—between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.—and consult your veterinarian about kitty-approved sunscreens. 08.Cats Love Their Humans   Although cats are frequently portrayed as solitary creatures, they require affection, attention, and companionship—and they like receiving it from their people. Cats express "I love you" in slightly different ways than humans do.   Purring, bunting (or placing her head on you), sleeping on or near you, rubbing on you, meowing, licking, and even poking her butt in your face are all indicators that your cat loves you. Yes, truly.
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