Do Cats Know Their Own Names?🧨
Ever pondered whether cats are aware of their names? Cats are not known to respond to calls, in contrast to dogs. However, this does not always imply that your cat doesn't know its name if it doesn't twitch a whisker in response to your call. A 2019 study that appeared in the journal Scientific Reports claims that cats are capable of self-recognition. Atsuko Saito, a behavioral scientist from Sophia University in Tokyo, is the study's principal author. Her earlier research has shown that cats can recognize their owners' voices.
Researchers saw cats in both regular homes and cat cafes for the purpose of the name recognition study. The café cats could tell their names apart from generic nouns, but they couldn't tell their names apart from the names of other cats that frequented the establishment. In contrast, the house cats could distinguish between their own names and those of other cats residing in the house, as well as between general nouns. Based on phonemic distinctions, the researchers deduced that cats are capable of distinguishing between the different parts of human language.
Why Is My Cat Ignoring Me?
Why don't cats run to us when we call their names, given that we know they can recognize them? All it is, after all, is a cat being a cat. People often make comparisons between cats and dogs, but these two extremely distinct species shouldn't be expected to behave in the same ways. Compared to dogs, our feline companions are more distant and independent, and they don't always feel the need to react when you call their name.
When you call their name, some cats actually come running. Congratulations if you have a cat like this! Cats that readily engage with you and respond to your vocal utterances are lots of fun to live with. Such cats are often described as “dog-like” due to their extra devotion to their people.
Be Patient If You Change Your Cat's Name
There are situations in which a cat may not even know its name; for example, you may acquire an adult cat and give it a new name, or you may have a kitten that has just received its first name. Depending on the situation, adopted adult cats may even be on their third or fourth name, so it's reasonable if they don't react to their new name straight away.
It's conceivable that your cat doesn't know its name yet if it doesn't react when you call it. The good news is that cats pick up new names with ease. There are methods to somewhat expedite the name-learning process, even though your cat will most likely pick up its new name given enough time.
How to Teach Your Cat Its Name
You may be astonished to learn that you can teach cats to recognize their names. You can teach your cat its name (or refresh its memory) in the same way that you would teach a new habit. Follow these simple steps to teach your cat's name.
First, try not to use your cat's name too much. Repeating your cat's name can cause your cat to tune it out as background noise. Use it only during training sessions, especially if you're trying to teach your cat a new name. Later, you can say the name more freely, and your cat should recognize it. Next, create a positive association with your cat’s name by pairing the name with a tasty treat. Use something your cat really likes, such as tiny bits of plain chicken or a favorite treat broken up into small pieces.
Keep the treats very tiny (pea-sized or smaller), so you can reward your cat many times in a training session without making it too full or upsetting the balance of its diet.
Say your cat's name and promptly give it a treat. Say your cat's name again, and give him another reward. Repeat this about ten times in a few minutes, then take a rest. As the training sessions proceed, make sure to incorporate your cat's name into other words and converse normally, but only reward with a treat when its name is said. This way, your cat will associate the treat with its name rather than simply hearing your voice. Every day, play the name game two to three times (morning, noon, and night is ideal), for as long as it takes your cat to recognize its name.
To test to see if your cat knows its name, say her name without holding a treat and see how it reacts. If it turns toward you (or comes running!), you have achieved success.
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The Cold Knowledge About Cats You Didn't Know, Unlocking the Mysterious Side of the Cat World🐈🙀
Trivia about kittens you didn't know: the world of kittens revealed! For thousands of years, people have kept cats as an animal. Although cats are ubiquitous, little is known about them. By exploring the biology, habits, history and science of cats, we will try to reveal the biological characteristics of cats. We will try to reveal some unknown secrets about cats through the three dimensions of biology, habits, history and science.
Part I: General Knowledge about the Physiology of Cats
1.1 The Unique Vision of Cats Cats have a completely different vision from humans. Although cats do not see as well as humans in the daytime, their visual ability is six times that of humans. This is due to a special reflective tissue called “zona pellucida” that grows behind the cat's eyes. This fiber enhances light and allows them to see even at night.
1.2 Foot pad perception in cats In addition to cushioning and protection, a cat's foot pads are also a very useful means of sensing. Cats' paws are covered with nerve endings that sense soil vibrations and temperature changes, helping them to be more flexible when hunting.1.3 The Role of Cat Whiskers A cat's long whiskers (whisker jigglers) are both a measure of distance and an important means of sensing air movement. In this way, even at night, cats can accurately recognize the orientation and shape of obstacles. A cat's whiskers can also convey a cat's emotions: when a cat is nervous or agitated, the whiskers will stretch forward.
Part 2: The Basics of Cat Habits
2.1 Why do cats love to stay in tight places? You may have noticed that kittens love to get into boxes, drawers, and even shoes. It's a cat's nature. In the wild, cats choose tight places to avoid predators and ambushes, and domestic cats do the same.2.2 Cat's Secret “Cat Talk” Cats are not naturally meowing, they communicate with each other mostly by body and scent. Studies have shown that cats communicate with people mostly by “meowing”, and also, in order to better communicate their needs, cats can adjust their purr according to their owner's response.
2.3 The role of cat licking of hairs A cat doesn't lick its own fur just because it's clean; it does it for several reasons. First, the caressing can help the cat adjust its body temperature. Second, licking the fur can help reduce tension. Also, licking the saliva contained in the cat's fur helps heal wounds.
Chapter III: History and Culture of Cats
3.1 Ancient Egyptians' Worship of Cats Ancient Egyptians believed that the cat was a holy creature, and they believed that the cat could drive away evil. The famous Egyptian cat god, Bast, was an idol with a cat's head and body and was the protector of family, love and reproduction. Ancient Egyptians also held funeral services for cats and would place statues of cats in their cemeteries.
3.2 European Misconceptions of the Cat in the Middle Ages In medieval Europe, the cat was regarded as a symbol of evil, especially when it was thought to be the embodiment of a witch. Because of this superstition, cats were often persecuted at this time. However, it was this misunderstanding that made cats fewer and fewer while rats became more and more common, eventually causing the plague to spread.3.3 Japanese see cats as a sign of happiness In Japan, people regard cats as symbols of good luck, especially the “fortune cat” is the most famous. According to myths, cats bring wealth and luck to people. They often raise one leg and the sides of their front paws represent wealth or popularity.
Part 4: About Cats and Contemporary Technology
4.1 Genomics of Cats Through the study of genetics, scientists have discovered much about the genetic information of cats. Studies have shown that the gene sequences of domesticated cats are very similar to those of wild cats, so it can be well explained why domestic cats still maintain many wild characteristics, such as independence and hunting nature.4.2 Analysis of Cat Emotions Modern technology has enabled us to have a deeper understanding of cat emotions. For example, by using AI technology to analyze the cat's facial expression, voice and behavior, researchers are able to accurately understand the cat's mood and guide them to take better care of the cat.
4.3 Space Cat Experiments Cats are not only popular animals on earth, they have also been sent to space for experimentation.In 1963, the French sent a kitten called Felicette into the universe in order to study the neural response in a gravity-free state.
Part 5: Health and Maintenance of Cats Cold Knowledge
5.1 Drinking Habits of Cats The ancestors of cats lived in the desert, so they lived on food. Therefore, cats generally do not like to drink water. In order to ensure that the kitten has enough to drink, the owner should feed it wet food or clean water.
5.2 Oral and Dental Hygiene for Cats Many cats suffer from toothaches, but most cat owners don't realize it. Dental diseases that cats suffer from not only cause mouth pain, but can have a negative impact on the overall condition of the body. Frequent brushing and oral hygiene checks for kittens are essential.5.3 Handling of Cat Fur Cats have different requirements for maintaining their fur. Long-haired cats have to put more effort in order to avoid growing small balls, while short-haired cats are better cared for. Frequent brushing of the cat not only ensures that it looks neat and tidy, but also lets its owner know what's wrong with it.
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🍛How Often Should I Feed My Cat?
How frequently should cats and kittens eat? There is no simple solution because the age and relative health of your cat, the number of cats you have, your living environment, and the sort of food you offer will all influence how you approach feeding. A stay-at-home caretaker, for example, can serve canned food to kittens or senior cats multiple times each day. A single, working owner or a two-income family, on the other hand, will rely on dry cat food with canned food added in the morning and late at night.
How Frequently Should You Feed Kittens Canned Food?
Kittens require approximately twice as much nutrients as adult cats for growth and energy.1 Obviously, their stomachs can't tolerate enormous amounts of food. As a result, they require frequent feedings at initially, which gradually decrease as they develop. During this stage, it is critical to weigh the kittens on a regular basis to ensure that they are gaining weight without getting overweight. Their hunger level is usually a reliable indicator of whether they are getting adequate nutrition.
As a rule, kittens under 8 weeks old should stay with their mother cat.2 If this is not practicable, a kitten can be bottle-fed as early as two weeks of age. Alternatively, from five weeks old, the kitten can be progressively introduced to a high-quality canned kitten food mixed with equal quantities of a "kitten formula" such as kitten milk replacer. Note: I do not recommend giving kittens full milk because many cats are allergic to it. As the kitten reaches 6 weeks of age, the amount of KMR can be gradually lowered until the kitten is eating canned food exclusively. Please keep in mind that these principles apply to the feeding of canned food:
At six weeks old: three or more little feedings spread throughout the day. To monitor the kitten's development, weigh him or her on a regular basis and record the results in a dated chart.
At 12 weeks old, increase the size of each meal and eventually spread them out to three meals each day.
Around 6 months old, you can start spacing out your meals to twice a day. If you purchase a feeder, you can set the time and number of servings per meal so you don't have to worry about your cat starving during your absence.
How Often Should You Feed Adult Cats?
A kitten is considered an adult at one year of age, unless he is gaining too much weight. During the next nine years or so, he can be fed canned cat food or adult "maintenance" food once or twice a day, with dry food supplements as mentioned below when necessary.
What About Dry Food?
According to veterinarians, providing dry food to a cat for convenience can satisfy its nutritional needs as long as it is full and well-balanced.3. Cats that only eat dry food have lived long, happy lives. Adult cats who have caregivers who work might be fed canned food for breakfast and dinner, with dry food available for "grazing." To suit all cat types, a range of high-quality dry food options is provided.
Geriatric and Special Needs Cats
If an older cat hasn't developed a condition that calls for a different diet, they can follow the same feeding regimen as adult cats. It is best to feed these cats according to the feeding instructions provided by your veterinarian, including the amount and kind of food.
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Is My Cat Happy?🤔
😸People want happy cats, and as worried "cat parents," they frequently wonder if their cat is content. There are several fairly general joyful cat cues, even though each cat is unique and, like people, may express contentment in different ways. Numerous indicators let you know whether your cat is happy.
Vocal Clues
🔊In fact, cats can "say" they're glad. Talkative cats engage in lengthy and detailed talks with you. Higher-pitched noises are typically associated with happiness, but lower-pitched sounds may be more demanding and show signs of impatience. Cats that are quiet may use quietness to convey happiness and vocalize more to convey sadness. Yes, it is confusing! But that's precisely why people adore their mysterious cats! Purrs are generally a sign of feline happiness or even bliss, though they aren't always pleased. The "prrrrupttt!" sound that many cats make when they chuckle or trill is a highly reliable indicator of their contentment.
Body Language
🤟Numerous eye, ear, fur, and body positions can be used to read if a cat is agitated or content. A happy, satisfied cat, for instance, would lie with its front paws tucked under, ears forward, and possibly its eyelids "sleepy" at half mast. The way she blinks her eyes in response to your glance across the room is a sign of happiness. Eye dilation that occurs suddenly might be interpreted as either arousal-distress or arousal-happiness, for example, in reaction to a full food bowl. Happier cats have smooth fur, relaxed tails, and slightly forward-pointing whiskers. The tail of a happy, engaged cat is held straight up, with only the tip cocked in a "howdy" salutation to humans and other animals the cat regards as pals.
Engaged and Confident
🤗A content cat expresses curiosity about its surroundings. Perhaps it is the "supervisor cat" that likes to have his paws into everything new in the house. Or it might just stand back and observe quietly. A happy cat responds cautiously rather than fearfully, even though many cats have an innate mistrust of strangers. Cats with confidence have the highest happiness factor.
🐱Kittens that are healthy and socialized play endlessly, as they just don't know any different than to be joyful. Playing is a great way to show that you're happy. Play activity in cats naturally decreases as they become older, but it frequently persists to some extent. Play can take many forms, from merrimentous racing and cat wrestling matches to calm paw-patting of features (or your leg or face for attention) to show that your cat is happy. Cats play with animals (and people) that they enjoy and feel comfortable around.
😴Although cats tend to sleep more when they're sick or melancholy, their preferred sleeping spots can also be signs of contentment. Cozy relationships with selected nap partners are indicated by sleeping with other cats, and particularly by actively seeking them out. Celebrate if your cat decides to share your bed with you! That implies that your cat has faith in you—doubt, after all, leads to discontent.
😼Feeling cats maintain a neat appearance. An untidy cat is a signal of disease, injury, or dissatisfaction; however, a well-groomed cat is a sign that it is in good health. Along with shared napping, grooming other cats or licking the owner demonstrates strong relationships and trust. Cats that get along well may even groom one another. But since cats are unique, not all of them have the need to groom other cats.
🐟Cats that are happy eat well. Yes, they might use deception to trick owners into giving them extra food or treats. However, in many respects, this kind of manipulation merely serves as an indicator of how dedicated many cats are to making their owners happy.
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😼🧐Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?🌿
🤔 Cats are naturally curious about plants, as anyone with a green thumb and a cat knows. They'll even chew or consume some plants, like cat grass. Why do cats adore cat grass so much, and what is it exactly?🍃
What Is Cat Grass?
🍃It's possible that some people confuse cat grass with catnip and catmint. However, cat grass is not the same as it sounds. Plants in the mint family include catmint and catnip. Although catmint and catnip are commonly referred to as one and the same, they are actually two different species in the same genus, Nepeta. Cats react less strongly to catmint than to catnip, despite the fact that they may look alike.🍃 🍃Cat grass is a very different matter. If you cultivate cat grass and catnip, you can see this in the way the plants look differently. In actuality, cat grass is the grass of some cereal grains, including rye, wheat, oats, barley, and alfalfa.🍃
Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?
🍃Though considerable research has been done, the reason cats like to chew on any grass, especially cat grass, is still unknown. It used to be thought that cats would eat grass to help soothe their stomachs when they were sick. But this has been called into question by a study1. When a study of cat owners was conducted, 65% of the cats' weekly eating habits were reported by the respondents. Just 6% of these had an owner who reported them sick prior to them eating the plant, and 37% had frequent vomiting thereafter.Given that 94% of the cats in the poll appeared to be well before consuming any food, this suggests that cats don't genuinely consume plants, including cat grass, to feel better. There is also a theory that cats eat cat grass to aid in the removal of hairballs. Would giving grass to a vomiting cat make it easier for a long-haired cat to cough up a hairball? This idea was examined in the same study that examined if cats might use grass as a stomach settler. However, they discovered that there was no variation in the frequency of vomiting between cats with long hair and those with short hair. 🍃
🍃The theory that eating grass could help regulate and eliminate intestinal parasites is being considered. A study conducted in Belgium examined a variety of wild carnivores, such as different Canidae species, as well as a variety of wildcats, such as lynx, cougars, pumas, and leopards. According to this study, eating grass is a normal behavior for all cats and is not limited to domestic cats alone. Even wild cats have been observed to consume grass.🍃
Where Can You Purchase Cat Grass?
🍃It's actually not too hard to find cat grass. It's available in small trays at pet supply stores, but nurseries are also good places to find it. Keep in mind that cat grass can be sold as "wheat grass," etc., because it can be wheat, barley, alfalfa, or rye. If you want to grow your own cat grass, you can also buy seed packs. Once more, these might be sold as rye, wheat, barley, or alfalfa grass instead of cat grass seeds.🍃
Where Can You Plant Cat Grass?
🍃You can grow cat grass outside in your garden or indoors in a container. If cultivating outside, you have two options: transfer an established cluster of cat grass from a container to the ground or sow the seeds straight into the ground. It is possible to sow the seeds at any time of year if you are growing indoors. The soil should be kept moist and they should be planted 1/4" deep. The seedlings should appear within a week or two. Keep them somewhere they will receive enough of consistent sunlight at this phase. When planting cat grass outside, it should receive full sun and be done in the spring.🍃
Why Is It Better For Cats to Eat Cat Grass Than Regular Grass?
🍃For a few reasons, your cat should chew on cat grass rather than lawn grass. Inadvertent ingestion of pesticides by your cats poses a health concern if you use any for treating your grass. Your cat may also run the risk of consuming parasites and/or coming into contact with fleas and ticks when they nibble on lawn grass. Naturally, this can also be the case if your cat eats anything in your yard, even cat grass. Take clippings from outside plants and give them to your cat after giving them a thorough wash, or bring a tiny bit of cat grass indoors for your cat to nibble on.🍃
🍃Cat grass is healthy for cats to consume, yet the reason why they enjoy it is still unknown. It might be an additional enrichment item in their house.🍃
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😸The Pets Who Have Run for Political Office in the US🐶
💫cat cute😽
✨Getting more pets into politics is one issue that has the ability to unite our divided nation on almost everything else. 🎈On April 24, Hell, Michigan, a municipality outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which charges $100 for a "Mayor of the Day" package, made history by electing Jinx, the big-eyed black cat with over 435,000 Instagram followers, as its first pet mayor. We hope that this is not the last time the small town has a non-human ruler for the sake of cutesy internet material. This is the first time the town has had one. Though Jinx hasn't released their executive order list yet, we expect it to be heavy on sardine access, feline maternal health, and the much-needed laser pointer restriction.
📸 @bigfootjinx, Jinx / Instagram
🎉 Let's examine a few more animal leaders who have ruled our country with a kind iron hand.
Max I & Max II: Mayors of Idyllwild
📸mayormax1 / Instagram
🥳Idyllwild, California is a non-incorporated town that had no politicians until 2012, when a local animal rescue sponsored the town's first election. Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller, a golden retriever, emerged victorious in a landslide, raising $31,000 for Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF) and launching him into local celebrity. After Max I died on April 2, 2013, his successor, Max II, accepted Max's invitation to serve a second term in office because of his high approval rating. 🐕With the support of Mikey and Mitzi, his dependable deputy mayors, Max II continues to hold office today. He welcomes hikers on the Pacific Coast Trail, promotes dog adoption, and boosts tourism in the area. Mayor Max has merchandise even.
Duke: Mayor of Cormorant Village
📸WeRateDogs / Instagram
🎪Superior Pyranees Duke garnered all but one vote in his 2016 reelection campaign for a third term, having been elected as Cormorant Village, Michigan's ceremonial mayor in 2014. During his tenure as mayor, this cuddly polar bear represented the small town by frequenting the local bar and ensuring that no mischief was committed while he was in charge. In order to concentrate on his health, Duke retired from office in 2018. He died at the age of 13 in the early months of 2019. He will always be associated with his small hat and involvement in local politics.🎡
Stubbs: Mayor of Talkeetna
📸Stubbs Mayor Cat / Instagram
😺The mayor of Talkeetna, a small town in Alaska, had a 19-year reign of power that most politicians would envy. Stubbs, a strawberry blond cat, gained the office in a write-in campaign after the town's 900 residents decided none of the human candidates were qualified to compete in the 1997 mayoral election. He maintained the role until his death in 2016 at the age of twenty. During his term in government, Stubbs sought to keep taxes low and spent the most of his time demanding attention from his position at the general store. His brother, Denali, continues to carry on his legacy.
Lincoln: Mayor of Fair Haven
📸Lincoln, the Goat / Instagram
🐐There are more animals besides dogs and cats that run for office. Lincoln, a three-year-old Nubian goat, defeated sixteen other contenders to become the mayor of Fair Haven, Vermont, for a one-year term in 2019. Lincoln participated in the Memorial Day parade, attended community activities, and greeted guests to the town while serving as president. 2020 saw the election of Murfee, a King Cavalier Charles Spaniel, to succeed Lincoln. He held the position for two years before being beaten this past march by Elsa, another goat. Lincoln is a goat—the greatest of all time, if you will.🎐
Lucy Lou: Mayor of Rabbit Hash
🐰When border collie Lucy Lou was elected Rabbit Hash, Kentucky's first female mayor in 2008, she joined the pantheon of feminist icons. It should come as no surprise that she defeated the other contenders with a motto like "The Bitch You Can Count On." In Rabbit Hash, Lucy welcomed guests, advertised neighborhood events, and worked as a spokeswoman for a women's crisis center during her eight-year term. In order to gather money for the restoration of the town's old general store, Lucy resigned in 2016. She died in 2018 at the age of 12. Lady Stone, the heir and fellow collie, continues the battle for women's rights.💓
Parker: Mayor of Georgetown
📸Mayor Parker the Snow Dog / Instagram
🐾 Bernese Mountain Dog, age five Parker has been serving as Georgetown, Colorado's honorary mayor since 2020, and he is enjoying his role. Parker is "committed to bringing hugs, love, and cookies to the people of Georgetown," according to his website—a campaign pledge we can support. The official mascot of Loveland Ski Area is Parker the Snow Dog, who hangs out with the local sports teams, interacts with the challenged community, and provides hugs all over the town. Certainly, there are benefits to serving as a local ambassador!
Sweet Tart: Mayor of Omena
📸@omenamayor Sweet Tart / Instagram
😻In 2018, city council elections were held in Omena, Michigan, a community of 300 people, with one requirement: the candidates had to be animals. Let's meet Sweet Tart, a Norwegian Forest Cat who dutifully held the position of first feline mayor of the town until 2021, when she was deposed by Rosie Disch, a local dog. In addition to her excellent resume, which includes multiple advanced degrees, Sweet Tart continues to serve as Second Vice Mayor. Though she doesn't often appear in public, Sweet Tart is renowned for her amazing sense of style and her vast collection of hats.💖
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