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Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?🍅

Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?🍅

     The adage "curiosity killed the cat" refers to a cat's inclination to investigate everything in its surroundings and to occasionally become ill-informed about what to avoid. Your cat probably wants you to share if you are eating something. As a veterinarian in practice, I get questions all the time about what human foods—including tomatoes—are okay to give to our cats.

Cat Nutrition

     Cats genuinely enjoy eating flesh. Unlike dogs and humans, cats must consume carnivorous foods. This implies that meat must make up at least 70% of their diet. Cats do not need fruits, vegetables, or grains, yet they will consume them. A cat cannot follow a vegan or vegetarian diet.

     Many cat owners are unsure about whether or not to offer their pets "human" food. Generally speaking, a cat should get all of its calories from premium, well-balanced cat food. On the other hand, rewarding a cat with a treat can serve as a training aid and reinforce the human-animal link. You can offer commercial cat treats, but you can also use tiny morsels of food that is usually meant for people, provided that you are certain that it is safe for cats to eat.

Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?

     Since most cats dislike this ruby-red fruit, you might find that your cat isn't interested in tomatoes if you put them on your menu. What if, however, your cat insists on eating your tomato?

     Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, tomatoes are a fruit that is good for human health. Vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, fiber, and lycopene—a chemical present in high concentrations in tomatoes that has been linked to numerous health benefits—are all found in abundance in tomatoes.

     Despite everything mentioned above on tomatoes' health benefits for people, it is incorrect to believe that cats who eat tomatoes will also benefit from them. Since tomatoes are not meant for cats' digestive systems, eating excessive amounts of them might result in vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

     It is vital to note that green tomatoes that have not fully ripened, as well as their stems and leaves, are a greater risk to your cat. Unripe tomatoes, as well as all components of the tomato plant's stem and leaves, are harmful to cats. Solanine, the deadly substance found in these green plant portions, is toxic to cats and many other animals. If a cat consumes an unripe tomato or the leaves or stems of a tomato plant, it may develop gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, a dangerously slow heart rate (bradycardia), and severe vomiting.Green tomatoes that have been properly cooked are safer because they contain no active solanine; nonetheless, they might still induce stomach irritation if consumed in large numbers.

How Much Tomato Can Cats Eat?

     If your cat enjoys tomatoes, you can safely feed them small portions of the matured flesh on occasion. However, it is recommended that you take no more than one or two bits of tomato flesh. If your cat consumes a big amount of the fruit, keep an eye out for any signs of gastrointestinal trouble, including as vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea. If any adverse effects are observed, call your veterinarian immediately.

Final Thoughts

     When sharing tomatoes with your cat, a few little nibbles of mature tomato flesh are unlikely to cause problems. However, underripe tomatoes, stems, and leaves should be avoided. If your cat consumes any of the following, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

     Cats are real carnivores who require at least 70% of their diet to be meat, hence it is vital to feed them a meat-based diet. Treats should not account for more than 10% of total daily calories. If the cat is given too many snacks or treats, it may get too full to eat enough of its regular food. This may result in nutritional deficits and catastrophic sickness.

     Feed your kitty. Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine.As usual, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet's health or what to feed your cat, please contact your veterinarian.

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